

RESECS is a PC controlled DC resistivity meter system for high-resolution research, tomography and monitoring applications.

Up to 960 addressable electrodes are connected via one single seven-core cable. Any pair of electrodes might be selected as current injector. Up to eight other pairs might serve as potential electrodes for simultaneous geoelectrical measurements (six channel operation).

The software controlled fast switching of electrodes results in a high data acquisition rate – upto a few thousand data points per hour.


Download Data-Sheet RESECS

Main System Features of RESECS

  • Multi-electrode operation (up to 960 electrodes)
  • Multi-channel (up to 8 potential channels)
  • PC controlled operation with graphical user interface and on-line data display running under MS Windows®
  • Software controlled standard configurations (Wenner, Schlumberger, Dipole-Dipole, etc.) as well as user-defined electrode arrays
  • Galvanic isolation of all input channels