Guralp delivers a variety of solutions for monitoring induced seismicity. We supply systems to applications including hydraulic fracturing, waste water injection, hydroelectric dams, underground storage of CO2 and gas and geothermal power plants.
Our temporary networks are widely used to baseline regional seismicity in advance of commencing operations and to monitor aftershocks from unexpected events. Our permanent systems deliver continuous event data for operational feedback and as part of safety and environmental management plans. We also provide turnkey surveys with data analysis and reporting.
Contact us to find out more about our induced seismicity monitoring systems.
Waste water Injection induced seismicity |
Dams Initial and protracted seismicity |
Hydraulic fracturing Baseline seismicity, real-time traffic operational feedback, process optimisation |
Reservoir integrity Depletion and injection induced events, overburden integrity |
Geothermal Baseline seismicity, real-time operational feedback |
Gas storage Underground gas and CO2 storage facility integrity |
Portable networks Rapidly deployment, aftershock monitoring |
Permanent networks Real-time data from surface, borehole and ocean bottom networks |