Microseismic Monitoring

Guralp provides equipment and services into a wide range of microseismic mmicroseismic 300x 200onitoring applications in oil and gas exploration, production and storage. We deliver baseline seismicity surveys, hydraulic fracture monitoring solutions, permanent reservoir monitoring systems and storage monitoring solutions both onshore and offshore.

We have delivered microseismic monitoring solutions in all continents configured to our customer’s individual requirements from real-time ocean bottom cabled systems to autonomous surface nodes.


Contact us to discuss your microseismic monitoring requirement further.

cabled OBS system 210 x 80Life of field monitoring

Cabled and nodal solutions onshore and offshore

frack mapping 210x80Hydraulic fracture stimulations

Fracture mapping, operational feedback

waste water injection 210 x 80Waste water injection

Injection induced seismicity monitoring

fracking 210x80Induced seismicity 

Monitor seismicity induced by depletion or injection

baseline seismicityBaseline seismicity surveys

Benchmark natural seismicity prior to development