New Order for OBS from Neptune Canada

Guralp Systems’ position as the world leader in developing, manufacturing and delivering seismic systems for applications on the seafloor got another boost last week. Neptune Canada ordered two additional CMG-1T Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS). Once this order is fulfilled, Neptune Canada will operate a total of six GSL broadband OBS in its high profile, multidisciplinary network off the coast of British Columbia. In addition Neptune Canada has ordered from Guralp Systems digitizers and data acquisition modules for the short period seismic component of its network.


Map of the Neptune Canada OBS Network


Neptune Canada is the world’s first regional scale cabled seafloor network which  last month celebrated two years of continuous online data delivery. It operates a seafloor network of more than 125 sensors for various scientific purposes. They are connected to many nodes along a several hundred kilometer long deep sea cable loop. The cable, which originates and ends in the coastal town of Port Alberni, delivers live data from these sensors to scientists at the University of Victoria and beyond. Currently, Guralp Systems is the exclusive purveyor of broadband OBS sensors for this network.

Delivering CMG-1T OBS broadband sensors is only one prong of our overall strategy for seismic seafloor systems. We also deliver raw instruments to system integrators, who build their own housing for the sensors and design their own OBS systems, integrate several types of our own sensors into in-house designed and built titanium based deep water housings, sell complete sensors to instrument pools,  build and deploy our own complete portable OBS systems, and deliver turn-key cabled OBS systems, such as networks in the Sea of Marmara (Turkey) and along the US Pacific coast.


CMG-1T OBS Installation

For more information, first contact your local distributor, email, call +44 118 981 9056 or fill in the form below.

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