The Guralp Systems Short Period instruments are a low-noise, small, extremely light, highly robust, multi-purpose, one Hertz force-feedback sensor designed to offer a modern replacement for the traditional geophone. Due to the feedback system it does not exhibit any of the drawbacks associated with traditional geophone-type sensors. It is highly linear with a stable transfer function, resulting in no measurable change in frequency due to tilt or temperature change over its entire operating range.
Configuration / Topology: Triaxial orthogonal Feedback: Force feedback.
Response: 1s – 100Hz standard (Other options available) Output sensitivity / Clip Level: 2 x 1000 V/ms-1 (Other options available) Peak / Full scale output: Cross axis rejection: Orthogonal instrument with high cross-axis rejection (>65dB) Linearity: TBC Lowest spurious resonance: TBC Self-noise: TBC Dynamic range: High sensitivity and dynamic range (>135dB)
Type: Pulse, sine wave and broadband Calibration controls: Common signal & enable lines exposed on sensor connector
Locking: No mass clamping required – plug in and go Mass position output band: TBC Mass recentring range: TBC
Power supply: TBC Optional low power sensor: TBC Protection: TBC Current at 12VDC: TBC
Operating temperature: -20 to +65°C Operating Temperature sensitivity: TBC Storage Temperature: TBC Instrument Levelling: TBC Case integrity: IP67 for outdoor use and immersion resistance Shock: TBC Humidity: TBC Auto recovery time: TBC Alignment: TBC
Mass control / locking: TBC Offset zeroing: TBC PHYSICAL Dimensions: ø76mm x 315mm for single component, slim-line borehole verison. ø140mm x 265mm for triaxial surface version. Enclosure: Hard anodised aluminium. Optional: Stainless Steel Weight: TBC Handling: TBC Communication / Connectors: Mil-spec connectors